"Emma Louise Smart is a fantastic trainer, very professional and highly knowledgable. Even as an experienced practitioner I was very impressed with the detail this course goes into. The two days consisted of lectures and loads of hands on training, which kept it interesting. The best part was having many models to train on. If you want to perform with the best book with Pure Perfection Academy

- Emma Osman

Hi, I’m Emma, I am the Director of Pure Perfection Academy. We have a few academies across the Uk, we ensure that all our academies have tutors who have been in the Aesthetic Industry many years and train students to the highest standards. Our training manuals and theory are the most in-depth manuals you will come across, we are continually updating our manuals to ensure that we not only teach you the theory but also teach you our experiences from over the years. Good Luck in your career path and we are always here to offer on going support.
